Home SPORTS WrestleMania aims to provide entertainment amidst quarantine

WrestleMania aims to provide entertainment amidst quarantine

WrestleMania aims to provide entertainment amidst quarantine

WrestleMania: Too Big For One Night

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It seems like the world has gone crazy, hasn’t it? I’m sure I can’t be the only one who thinks so. After all, there’s mass panic, chaos in the streets and toilet paper is flying off shelves at a truly alarming rate. People are quarantining themselves in their homes with nothing to do and no sports to watch on television. So, what is one to do? Well, for those wishing to have a little bit of normalcy from the coronavirus there is a glimmer of hope. Despite the NBA, NHL, MLB and other organizations postponing or outright canceling their seasons, one might wonder if the biggest event in sports and entertainment WrestleMania, would or possibly could suffer the same fate.

Well, I can tell you that WWE has decided that WreslteMania is too big for one night! Yes, that’s right. WrestleMania is still happening and it will take place over not one, but two nights. Of course, due to the threat of the virus there will be some major changes to the show this year. In fact, in addition to taking place over two nights April 4th and 5th, WrestleMania will also take place with zero fans in attendance. How bizarre is that? No fans? That’s unheard of! WrestleMania 36 is shaping up to be an event that is wholly unique and may be something we’ve never truly seen before and may be too big for one night.

How will the matches go?

Now, how in the world is WWE going to pull-off a show with no fans? Wrestling is after all, one sport where the performers count on feedback from the audience in attendance. Given WWE is promoting their biggest show of the year as being “too big for one night”, they are being forced to come up with some creative solutions for many of the matches. For example, WreslteMania will not be airing live this year. Yes, you heard that correctly. Mania will air on the WWE Network, but obviously not air live. Instead the show will be pre-taped with several matches taking place in different locations, while others take place at WWE’s Performance Center in Orlando.

That’s quite a tall order when you think about it. Not only do you have to put on a show, you have to juggle putting it on in multiple locations. Hopefully, it won’t come off as being disjointed.

John Cena Vs “The Fiend”

Of the 16 bouts scheduled for WrestleMania this year several of them are sure to be high stakes contests. One of those matches will be John Cena taking on “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt. Last time these two met was at WrestleMania 30, in New Orleans. Cena walked out with a victory on that night. Fast forward seven years later and both men are at very different stages of their careers. Wyatt is looking to avenge his loss and regain some momentum after losing the Universal Title to Goldberg. Cena meanwhile, hasn’t wrestled since January and has since been focusing more on a career in Hollywood.

I honestly don’t know how this one is going to go. Cena’s been away for quite a while and really doesn’t need the victory. Plus, this won’t be your typical match. Cena will take on Wyatt in a “Firefly House of Fun”, match. What is that? I have absolutely no idea. However, I have no doubt this will be a physical affair and Wyatt may have an advantage given the nature of the contest.

WWE Title

Boy, I tell you what this may be the match that winds up stealing the show. Brock Lesnar and Drew Mcintyer are set to go one-on-one for the richest prize in wrestling. With Mcintyer winning the Rumble and assaulting Lesnar with a Claymore kick on Raw the following night, he sent a firm message to the champion that he’s coming for his title.

Will the title change hands? That’s the question. In my opinion, I do think we see Mcintyre beat Lesnar and walk out champion. Why you ask? Simply because Drew Mcintyre is the future of the industry and this is his opportunity to shine on the biggest stage of them all. Expect to see some great wrestling in this one.

A Boneyard Match!

I’ll be the first to admit this has me excited! The Undertaker hasn’t competed since Extreme Rules and he missed WrestleMania last year. How could anyone not be ecstatic to see him back in the ring? Not to mention, Styles has made this extremely personal by calling Taker an “old man,” and claiming the only reason he’s still around is due to his wife, Michelle McCool. If I were AJ Styles, I’d keep my words soft and sweet, because it’s not wise to infuriate the Deadman.

By the way, I have no clue what a Boneyard Match, actually is. If I had to guess it will take place in a graveyard of some sort. I guess we’ll find out.

Universal Title


You want to talk about physicality? Look no further than the Universal Title match. Goldberg who was originally scheduled to take on Roman Reigns, will instead battle the “Monster Among Men,” Braun Strowman. Folks, this one is going to be a barn burner. Honestly, this one could go either way in my opinion. Will the title change hands? We’ll just have to wait and see. Unquestionably, this will be a very different WrestleMania and it definitely is too big for one night!

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