E3 Day One recap

Written by Dave Navarro, June 14, 2016, at 10:47 p.m.

Day One of E3 was packed to the brim. Between the crowds, the AAA games, and the flurry of indie titles, E3 couldn’t be any bigger of an event. We had a blast running around and getting our hands on a handful of titles. We had even more fun running around and talking with all the other gamers and devs. All in all, I think Nate and I can call it a good day. Here are some of our highlights:

world of final fantasy at e3 day oneIndie Cade had a number of interesting titles, with puzzle games, VR horror, and table top rounding out their mix. We were given a couple of incredibly awesome Lego USB drives just for showing up and throwing around the Slickster name. I’d like to note that while Nate’s was an 8GB, mine was a 16GB (guess the booth gal thought I was cuter).

Square Enix dominated the entrance to the south hall with a massive screen showcasing some of their upcoming titles. Included among them was the adorable (yes, Slickster said “adorable”) World of Final Fantasy.


Nate got an interview with legendary game creator Koji Igarashi.

Bethesda took the cake with their massive booth decked out with live size figurines of their major titles: Dishonored, Skyrim, Fallout, and DOOM. Complete with a VR demo for DOOM. Best believe we’re going to wait in that multi-hour line at some point.

Sea of Theives took over with their stellar demo. The line was far too large for the queue they were allotted, and there was an air of excitement around them all day.

Best of all, we get to go back for two more days. We’ll do our best to minimize our goofing off to maximize coverage for you guys.

Let us know what you want to see from E3 Days Two and Three in the comments.

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